Hugh van Cuylenburg, writer and co-founder of The Resilience Project, describes gratitude as the ability to pay attention to what we have and not what we haven’t got. Hugh is a wellbeing advocate who often talks about the copious amounts of research that has proven the positive impact that ‘practising gratitude’ can have on our wellbeing. This term, I’d like to challenge our students (and community!) to practise this skill throughout the term. Whether it be asking ourselves or our children ‘what went well for me/you today?’ or expressing our gratitude for someone who has had an impact on our lives or simply sharing our appreciation for someone/something, I am hopeful that this will positively impact our individual lives as well as those around us.
Western Region Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to Hayley, Mackenzie and Ellie on representing our school today at the Western Region Swimming Carnival at Cootamundra. We are all extremely proud of your efforts! Thank you to Ms Holland for attending and to families who travelled across to support the students.
Parent Teacher Interviews
A reminder that Parent Teacher Interviews start next week - the online booking process closes at the end of the week. While I am very aware of the regular interactions with parents and guardians throughout the week, I am very keen for all families to take up the opportunity of meeting with their child’s teacher.
Australian Government Residential Address Collection
Please keep a lookout on Compass for the aforementioned information. The Student Residential Address Collection (the collection) informs Australian Government education policy and helps ensure funding for non-government schools is based on need. The information collected is used to inform school funding calculations.
Enjoy the remainder of the week,