The other week, I came across a reflection from another school leader that resonated with me. This leader was reflecting on the idea of ‘Service’. To paraphrase their thoughts, they questioned what we think of when we hear the word service? Do we think of the services running to your house? Or services you provide other people? Do we think about the way Jesus served the people of his time and what does this kind of service mean for us, in our own lives?
There are many ways we can reflect on the idea of service!
With this in mind, I feel it is fitting that I mention Australia’s first patron saint Mary Mackillop, who was known for her saying “to never see a need without doing something about it.” Her amazing example and commitment to serving others can be a source of inspiration for us all to look for the opportunity to serve others in our community, whether it be a family member, a friend or someone we don't know as well - these acts of kindness and empathy (no matter how big or small) certainly make the world go around!
School Community Council Executive Team
With the above thought, I would again like to thank the family members who have decided to become a part of our School Community Council Executive team. This year, our team is: Sam Flenley (Chair), Letishia Fayle (Secretary), Renae Smith (Treasurer), Father Joseph Neonbasu (Parish Priest), Matt Flenley, Hayley and Joel Williams, Netta Dodds, Miran Edwards, Lydia Smith, Amy Buckmaster and myself.
Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with these people or flag your interest in supporting/contributing to an upcoming school community council event. Please also note that we will have at least two school community council meetings that are open to all of our families. I will inform families of these dates via Compass and the newsletter.
Term Dates
A reminder that next week, families get an extra long weekend, due to Good Friday and Easter Monday. I have also noted the upcoming term dates below:
Friday 29th March - Good Friday (School closed)
Monday 1st April - Easter Monday (School closed)
Friday 12th April - last day for Term One
Monday 29th April - CECG System Wide Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 30th April - students return to school
Thanks again for the amazing work our families are doing to contribute to the education of our students at St Mary’s. Enjoy the remainder of the week,