Dear Parents,
It has been great to see the students settle into classroom learning and enjoy some of the extra curricular happenings such as hospital and preschool visits, excursions and sporting events. These will continue next week with our K-2 Excursion, Mortimer Shield and our Children’s Mass on Sunday evening - I am really pleased to see our staff and students take up these opportunities with a sense of excitement and gratitude.
School Photos
School photos have arrived at school this afternoon and Tracee has been busy getting them sorted so they can be sent home with students today.
Winter Uniform
Thank you for families that have transitioned from Summer to Winter uniform. While I am well aware that the weather will certainly get colder, I want to ensure students are warm and avoiding the early Winter cold and flu season. Please encourage your children to wear their Winter clothing, particular on the colder mornings and ensure these warmer items are labelled.
Arch Diocesan Cross Country
We wish Ollie all the best as he heads to Stromlo Forest Park for the Arch Diocesan Cross Country. We are very proud of his achievements so far and look forward to hearing about the experience in the coming days!
IT Information
It has been my intention throughout the year to share some information regarding online safety and support for families in this tricky space. Last term, I shared the E-safety Commissioners Website (click link) which provides some very helpful tips and resources for schools, families and individuals of all ages. Please take the time to look at Kirra Pendergast’s ‘Safe on Social’ (click link) Education and Consulting site. Kirra provides a number of free resources on this site that can be accessed by families to help foster a positive online culture, empower individuals to make informed online decisions and establish safe online environments.
Visit from Mrs Dumbrell
We were very fortunate enough to have a visit from Mrs Dumbrell today. As previously mentioned, she will be commencing at St Mary’s in Week Six. This morning Mrs Dumbrell visited the students (particularly those in the K-2 class), got to know their classroom routines, reacquainted herself with staff and students and we look forward to having her as our K-2 teacher and Religious Education Coordinator for the remainder of the year.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I am personally looking forward to bringing my family to Batlow for Ciderfest - please don’t hesitate to come and introduce yourself to Lauren and the boys if you are about!